• Uncategorized

    Interview questions for an Engineering manager

    It was September 2021 when I started to look for an Engineering Manager position in Amsterdam and remotely. I was on the job market for the first time in 4 years, so it was both exciting and scary. I knew what to expect from technical interviews for developers. But what should I expect from mostly behavioural and situational interviews for engineering managers and how I can prepare? I refreshed my knowledge of the STAR response technique and my memory about the projects I was working on. After several interviews, I was frustrated because I felt that when I need to come up on the fly with some specific case of…

  • Podcast

    Метаморфозы. Эпизод 2. Александра Кочанова – IT менеджер про свободу и красоту.

    Эпизод доступен на платформах: Spotify | Apple Music | Yandex Music | Soundcloud Александра – Менеджер IT проектов. Выросла в семье военного, закончила ИТМО. Увлекается фотографией и блоггингом, работающая мама. Начинала с технической поддержки в Yota. Перешла в аналитику и управление продуктами и проектами. Пыталась попасть в компанию мечты 7 раз и попала. Работала в таких компаниях как Yota, Газпром, Сбер. instagram Александы: https://www.instagram.com/aleksandra.ko.ph/ В подкасте Александра ссылается на следующие ресурсы: Книга Карла Вигерса – “Разработка требований в программному обеспечению” Обучение продуктовой разработке в симуляторе GoPractice Если вас интересует менторинг от Александры, его можно запросить здесь

  • Podcast

    Метаморфозы. Эпизод 1. Елена Кочегарова – из филолога в инженера данных.

    Елена училась на филологическом факультете в университете им. Герцена. Преподавала литературу и и русский язык в гимназии, русский как иностранный, английский и испанский. Переехала с мужем в Лос-Анджелес. Перешла в IT, начинала со службы поддержки, сейчас работает дата инженером в компании https://www.simplepractice.com twitter Елены: https://twitter.com/rock_chock В подкасте Елена ссылается на следующие ресурсы: Harvard’s CS50 https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-computer-science-harvardx-cs50x Crash Course Computer Science https://thecrashcourse.com/courses/computerscience Head First Python https://www.amazon.com/Head-First-Python-Brain-Friendly-Guide/dp/1491919531/ University of British Columbia How to Code: Simple Data https://www.edx.org/course/how-to-code-simple-data How to Code: Complex Data https://www.edx.org/course/how-to-code-complex-data DBT https://www.getdbt.com/product/what-is-dbt/ DBT intro course https://courses.getdbt.com/courses/fundamentals

  • Leadership

    Building trust in the multicultural team

    In one of the previous articles, I talked about the importance of having trust in the team and what damage a lack of it can cause. Also, I touched a bit the topic of how we can build trust in the tech team, by providing the list of exercises from the book “The five dysfunctions of a team”. Today using another great book “The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business” I would like to go deeper into how different cultures define trust and how it can impact the way how we should build trust in the multicultural team. Task-based and relationship-based trust According to Erin Meyer,…

  • Leadership

    Fear of conflict in the tech team. The five dysfunctions

    In the previous article, we discussed the first dysfunction of a team – the absence of trust. It’s the essential dysfunction which builds the foundation for other ones. How the absence of trust leads to other kinds of unproductive and sometimes toxic behaviour in a team? The next step in the ladder of “The five dysfunctions of a team” is fear of conflict. Until there is no trust in a team, the team will not be ready to be engaged in constructive debate and express their opinions. As a result, there is a possibility that the team didn’t consider all options and didn’t come with the best solution. Healthy and…

  • Leadership

    Absence or lack of trust in the tech team. The five dysfunctions

    Here I would like to start a series of articles, inspired by the book of Patrick Lencioni “The five dysfunctions of a team”. As it’s a tech blog, I will put more focus on tech teams. The first article will be dedicated to the first and basic dysfunction – the absence or lack of trust in the tech team. To go deeper into the topic, let’s define what is trust? Definition of trust In Cambridge dictionary trust is defined as “a belief that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable”. You can also encounter the following definition in other sources:…

  • Code

    Documenting decision making process

    In one of the latest articles on Farnam Street Blog, I learnt about the concept of second-order thinking and Chesterton’s Fence heuristic. As a result, it made me think of one of the very common behavioural patterns in tech – you join the company when something is already built, you don’t see value in it, or you believe that it could have been done better, and you start either to remove, either to refactor services or architecture. What can go wrong here and how is it related to decisions documentation? Chesterton’s Fence When we don’t agree with what we see, we use to think that someone did it without knowledge…

  • Code

    The art of code review

    I heard in a podcast position of one lead developer about code review. He stated that he doesn’t see much sense of doing PR review after 3-4 times since a new person joining the team. Reasoning was that if they hire a developer, they assume that these number of PRs with comments will be enough for this person to understand the code style and standards of the team. And after that code review is not valuable anymore. Every team decides what better works for them, but my experience shows that code review is not about telling others how to properly write this or that line of code, and to hope…

  • Life

    Life in agile style

    On July 25 TechGals organized the second meetup in Amsterdam. It was dedicated to the topic of how we can use agile approaches in our personal and professional life. The meetup was hosted and sponsored by BinckBank. What is agile? Agile is the approach to software development, which promotes: communication instead of fixed processes; quick response to changes instead of following an outdated plan; early delivery with continual improvement to provide value and receive feedback as soon as possible. Waterfall approach to software development reflects how the life was planned and built decades ago. Choose a profession, get an education, follow a predefined career path. However, now, new duties are…